Moving forward on Improving Migrant Worker Rights? Key Discussions Recasting the Single Permit Directive: 2nd Joint Webinar
Friday 1 December 2023, 13:00-14:15 CET. Via Zoom
In 2022, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a recast of the Single Permit Directive (SPD) was tabled. The aims of this recast were twofold: 1) to simplify and clarify its scope, and 2) to improve migrant workers’ protection from exploitation. To this end, in March 2023 members of the European Parliament adopted amendments towards substantial improvement of the protection of migrant workers, for example in respect of the right to change employer. The Council however, was reluctant to improve migrant workers’ rights vis-à-vis employers. Research shows (De Lange et al 2022 Weatherburn 2023) that the single permit, for its lengthy procedures, dependency on employers, and lack of complaint mechanisms obstructs migrant workers’ protection and their long-term prospects. The SPD recast could mean a move forward improving migrant workers’ rights. Understanding the Directive and its opportunities and pitfalls allows us to better understand how to protect migrant worker rights and – the theme of our series – how to avoid regularly staying labour migrants shift into irregular migration status. During the lunch webinar experts will discuss the recast of the SPD by delving into key topics debated, like the right to change employer and procedural challenges.
- Diane Angermüller, Head of Unit, DG Migration & Home Affairs, Legal Pathways and Integration;
- Shane Murphy, Policy Advisor to Mr. Javier Moreno Sánchez MEP special rapporteur for the Single Permit Directive;
- Amy Weatherburn, Post-doctoral fellow, Centre de Droit Européen et Institut d’Études Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles ;
- Tineke Strik, Professor Citizenship and Migration Law, Radboud University, Member European Parliament at LIBE committee, AFET and DROIT;
- Lilana Keith, Senior Advocacy Officer at PICUM.
Moderated by Tesseltje de Lange, Professor of European Migration Law, Radboud University of DignityFirm project)
This webinar is organised as part of a new webinar series jointly organised by a group of Horizon Europe projects focusing on irregular migration in Europe as well as return and readmission policies.