New Country Report: Narratives of IrregularMigration in Finland
Check the new Country report. This report presents the key findings of a corpus-based study on narratives of irregular migration in the domains of media, politics, and civil society in Finland.
Country report. Discourses about irregularised migrants in the Netherlands
New I-Claim Country Report to present the findings of a corpus-based analysis of the discourses surrounding irregular migration in the Netherlands, with a focus on the terminology and narratives used in media, politics, and civil society.
The night shift and the politics of exhaustion
In the fourth episode of Mobility, Work, and Rights, hosts Nando Sigona and Ilse van Liempt explore the relation between migration status and working conditions and what it means to work the nightshift.
I-CLAIM events
Discourses, narratives and counter narratives on irregular migration
Join on 4 December our Webinar on ‘Discourses, narratives and counter narratives on irregular migration’. This webinar is part of the joint events within the MIrreM project.
The ethics of researching irregular migration
In the context of the MIrreM project, I-Claim is participating in the Workshop ‘The ethics of researching irregular migration’.
The discursive production of irregularity for migrants and racialized communities in Europe
I-Claim is organizing a panel at the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference in Lisbon on 2nd July 2024.