United Kingdom
The Netherlands
European Union
Country profile
United Kingdom
The focus on our research in the UK will be in London and Birmingham, the largest and most diverse cities in the country, with long histories of immigration and well-established migrant communities and support networks for migrants, factors that make them immigration hubs for people with no or insecure legal status which find work in domestic work, catering, and logistics and delivery, sectors that increasingly rely on the use of online platforms for job procurement. While very diverse, the cities have different migration histories, with Birmingham’s migrant communities more closely tied to the British colonial empire, and London hosting a more diverse migrant population, in terms of socio-demographic profile, with the largest population of non-native EU citizens than any other city in Europe, London will offer the opportunity to capture the impact of Brexit on EU migrants, including those falling through the cracks of the EU Settled Scheme (long-term residents) and those subject to the new immigration regime and the “hostile environment” policy. Birmingham hosts large communities from the Commonwealth, with several people caught in the so-called “Windrush Scandal”. We will investigate the intergenerational impacts of irregularity through the experience of mixed-status families.

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Academic Partner:
University of Birmingham

Nando Sigona
Professor, Director of the Institute for Research into Superdiversity
Co-I Scientific Coordinator, Executive Team member, WP6 Leader

Stefano Piemontese
Research Fellow
Researcher, Executive Team member

Laurence Lessard-Phillips
Associate Professor
Team member, Task 4.3 Leader, Member of the Ethics Committee
Country Engagement Partner
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

Caitlin Boswell
Policy & Advocacy Manager
I-CLAIM Partner
Artistic Engagement Partner

Alicja Kaczmarek
I-CLAIM Partner