Ilse van Liempt & Minke Hajer | September 2024

In response to the recent announcement by Marjolein Faber | Minister van Asiel en Migratie that the funding for the National Aliens Facility (LVV) will be stopped as of 1 January, a collective of researchers with years of research experience among undocumented migrants and policy regarding this group associated with the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Utrecht University., De Haagse Hogeschool / The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) and the University of Amsterdam wrote the opinion for de Volkskrant. 

with Thomas Swerts Minke Hajer Mieke Kox Laura Cleton Bruno Meeus Richard Staring Jordan Dez Ilse van liempt Carola Vasileiadi Peter Vrieler Markha Valenta Frederiek Vlaming, de Ruben Boers Ralph Severijns

Beeld Veerle Haan / VK

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