In this episode of Mobility, Work, and Rights, Nando Sigona speaks with Letizia Palumbo, researcher at the Univiersity of Venice Ca’ Foscari and author of Taking Vulnerabilities to Labour Exploitation Seriously. Don’t miss this important discussion!
The night shift and the politics of exhaustion
In the fourth episode of Mobility, Work, and Rights, hosts Nando Sigona and Ilse van Liempt explore the relation between migration status and working conditions and what it means to work the nightshift.
Irregularising human mobility – interview special
For this interview special, Nando Sigona speaks with Davide Colombi, co-author with Sergio Carrera of Irregularising Human Mobility (Springer 2024). They explore what lies ahead for the politics of migration in the coming months with the new European Commission’s term.
Policy and politics of irregularity in Europe and US
New Episode of the I-Claim podcast on Policy and politics of irregularity in Europe and US – in conversation with Sabrina Marchetti (University of Venice) and Lena Nare (University of Helsinki)
Launch of I-CLAIM Podcast Mobility, Work and Rights
On Monday 28th of October 2024 the I-CLAIM podcast called Mobility, Work, and Rights goes live! The I-CLAIM Podcast explores the realities of irregular migration in Europe, challenging widespread misconceptions around mobility, work and migrant worker’s rights.
How should Europe deal with its migration crisis?
Nando Sigona spoke to the Inside Story Podcast of Aljazeera on irregular crossings, safe routes to asylum and Sir Keir Starmer’s ‘strange infatuation’ for Italian PM Giorgia Meloni.
Exploitable by design: migrant workers in the UK immigration system
Nando Sigona / March 2024Is the UK immigration system really 'fairer' as the government claims? Fairer for whom? In the latest episode of the Conversations with Iris podcast, Nando Sigona discusses these questions with Luke Piper, Head of Immigration at the Work...
What migrants think about Brexit, Europe and Eurovision
New podcast series on migration and citizenship out now