Structures of exploitation – interview special

Structures of exploitation – interview special

In this episode of Mobility, Work, and Rights, Nando Sigona speaks with Letizia Palumbo, researcher at the Univiersity of Venice Ca’ Foscari and author of Taking Vulnerabilities to Labour Exploitation Seriously. Don’t miss this important discussion!

Irregularising human mobility – interview special

Irregularising human mobility – interview special

For this interview special, Nando Sigona speaks with Davide Colombi, co-author with Sergio Carrera of Irregularising Human Mobility (Springer 2024). They explore what lies ahead for the politics of migration in the coming months with the new European Commission’s term.

Launch of I-CLAIM Podcast Mobility, Work and Rights

Launch of I-CLAIM Podcast Mobility, Work and Rights

On Monday 28th of October 2024 the I-CLAIM podcast called Mobility, Work, and Rights goes live! The I-CLAIM Podcast explores the realities of irregular migration in Europe, challenging widespread misconceptions around mobility, work and migrant worker’s rights.