United Kingdom
The Netherlands
European Union
Country profile
In Germany, our research will explore the conditions of irregularised migrants in agri-food sector in the Land Brandenburg, which hosts several food processing and agriculture companies, and in the rapidly expanding logistics and delivery sector in Berlin. With its distinct history and highly diverse populations, Berlin is a hub for migrants with precarious legal status. The city offers opportunities for informal employment, often in exploitative conditions. The availability of informal work contributes to making the presence of irregular migrants a structural feature of the labour market in Berlin and Germany.

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Academic Partner:
Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Mainz

Bastian Vollmer
Professor, Co-director of the Institute of Applied Research and International Relations
Steering Committee member, WP4 Leader

Markus Rheindorf
Senior Research Fellow, CUAS Mainz

Beatrice Salamena
Post-doctoral researcher
Country Engagement Partner
Catholic Forum “Living in Illegality”

Martina Liebsch
Managing Director
I-CLAIM Partner