First Stakeholder meeting I-CLAIM (The Netherlands)

Tuesday, 28 November – Closed-door event

Key stakeholders in the field of irregular migration will respond to the draft version of the first I-CLAIM report: ‘The Legal and Policy Infrastructure of Irregularity. The Netherlands’.

In this meeting key stakeholders in the field of irregular migration will provide feedback on the draft version of our first report that focusses on the legal and policy framework around irregular migration in the Netherlands with a time frame of the last 20 years.

The I-CLAIM project and the first report will be presented to the stakeholders, five specific stakeholders with diverse perspectives on the topic have been invited to prepare an official reaction and a discussion is organised around discussion statements that have been shared with participants beforehand.

The audience will be composed by representative from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Trade Unions, the Labour Inspection, the rapporteur on human trafficking, several NGO’S in the field of irregular migration, labour exploitation and health care for undocumented migrants, the Refugee Council, the city council of Utrecht and the foreign police.

This will be a closed meeting where Chatham House rules will apply.


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