I-CLAIM consortium

The I-CLAIM research is led by academic institutions in six European countries: Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), a think-tank with unique expertise in EU and international policy research, acts as a bridge between research and knowledge exchange, providing a truly European and global perspective for the project. At an EU level, our impact and engagement activities draw on the unique expertise and networks of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the European Network Against Racism (ENAR). At a country level, the national impact and engagement partners are central to developing policy options and public interventions to improve the conditions of migrants with precarious legal status and their families. They include the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (United Kingdom), the Association for Legal Intervention (Poland), ActionAid (Italy), FairWork (Netherlands), the Deaconess Foundation (Finland), and the Catholic Forum “Living in Illegality” (Germany). In addition, the art gallery Centrala (United Kingdom) will lead artistic residences across Europe.



I-CLAIM is administratively situated within the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University (Netherlands). The Department’s mission is to study processes and governance arrangements that either inhibit or foster inclusion and inequality in cities. The Human Geography Department is connected to a wide network of migration scholars through the Focus Area on Migration and Societal Change and has a strong tradition of co-creation and meaningful exchange with stakeholders.

Ilse van Liempt

Associate Professor
Principal Investigator, Executive Team member, WP5 Leader


Ilse van Liempt is Associate Professor in Urban Geography at Utrecht University. Van Liempt has published widely on human smuggling, irregular migration, refugees, public space and processes of inclusion and exclusion in cities. Recently she co-edited the Research Handbook on Irregular Migration with Joris Schapendonk and Amalia Campos-Delgado (Edward Elgar 2023).

Minke Hajer

Post-doctoral researcher


Minke is a sociologist working at the department of human geography and spatial planning at Utrecht university. She obtained a joint PhD from the universities of Milan and Amsterdam, researching the citizenship struggle of irregular migrants in social movements in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Turin (Italy).

Afterwards, she worked on multiple research projects regarding refugee (labour market) integration, the regularisation of irregular migrant workers, and migrant care-workers.

Recently, she co-authored the reader ‘Irregular Migration’ with Maurizio Ambrosini (Springer, 2023)

Silvia Spurigan

Project Manager
Project Manager, Executive Team member


Silvia is the project manager for ICLAIM and oversees the administrative part. She has been working on EC funded projects on migration and integration in Romania. Her educational background is in languages, international relations, and migration.


The Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) at the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) was founded in 2012 to break new ground in interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research on international migration, forced displacement, and migration-driven superdiversity. Ever since, it has been at the forefront of empirical and theory-driven research into refugee and migrant integration, migration governance and policies, research methods in/for superdiverse contexts, irregularised migration, youth migration and wellbeing in different welfare regimes.

Nando Sigona

Professor, Director of the Institute for Research into Superdiversity
Co-I Scientific Coordinator, Executive Team member, WP6 Leader


Nando Sigona is the director of the University of Birmingham’s Institute for Research into Superdiversity. He is a founding editor of the peer reviewed journal Migration Studies (Oxford University Press) and lead editor for Global Migration and Social Change book series by Bristol University Press. His publications include Sans Papiers (with Bloch and Zetter, Pluto); Undocumented Migration (with Gonzales, Papoutsi and Franco, Polity); Within and beyond citizenship (with Gonzales, Routledge).

Laurence Lessard-Phillips

Associate Professor
Team member, Task 4.3 Leader, Member of the Ethics Committee


Laurence Lessard-Phillips is an Associate Professor linked to the Institute for Research into Superdiversity. Her research interests are manifold and include the conceptualisation, operationalisation, and measurement of migration-based concepts. She has published on the topic, including an upcoming co-authored chapter on survey experiments for the Handbook on Methods and Migration.

Stefano Piemontese

Research Fellow
Researcher, Executive Team member


Stefano is a social anthropologist and Research Fellow at the Institute for Research into Superdiversity of the University of Birmingham. His research interests are in the field of youth, migration, race, homelessness and social movements studies. He uses ethnography as the primary approach to exploring these topics, primarily through collaborative and audio-visual research methods.


Established in 1868 in Venice, as the Advanced School for Commerce, Ca’ Foscari University was the first Italian institution to provide advanced education in Business and Economics. Today, it is recognized as one of the finest universities in Italy, offering diverse and ample programs in Humanities, Foreign Languages, Economics and Business, Environmental Sciences, Information Technologies, Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, and Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability to its students and researchers.

Sabrina Marchetti

Associate Professor
Steering Committee member


She is Associate Professor in Sociology, mainly specialised on issues of gender, labour, social movements and migration, with a specific focus on issues of social reproduction. Amongst her recent publications “Migration and domestic work” (Springer) and “Global domestic workers: international inequalities and struggles for rights” (Bristol UP).

Letizia Palumbo



She is a researcher in socio-legal studies. Her research focuses on migrant labour, exploitation, trafficking, migrants rights and women’s rights, especially with regard to care/domestic work and agricultural sector.

Iuliia Lashchuk



Iuliia is a researcher and migration activist. She is a Research Fellow at the European University Institute (RSCAS, Migration Policy Centre). She studies the intersection of gender and migration, focusing on Ukrainian women displaced by war. Iuliia is interested in issues of identity, belonging, diversity, and ethical dimensions of hospitality. She is a member of the Research Network on Ukrainian Migration.

Giulia Garofalo Geymonat

Senior Research Fellow


She is a Senior Research Fellow in Sociology, specialised on issues of gender, sexuality, labour, social movements and migration. Amongst her recent publications “Global domestic workers: international inequalities and struggles for rights” (Bristol UP) and “Prostituzione e lavoro sessuale in Italia” (Rosenberg&Sellier)


The Catholic University of Applied Sciences Mainz (Germany) has faculties for Social Work and Social Sciences, Health Care and Nursing, and Practical Theology. Migration and integration are core themes of the Department for Social Work and Social Sciences and the university as a whole. The university offers a BA in “Social Sciences: Migration and Integration”. CUAS Mainz is involved in several research projects related to migration, and the Institute of Applied Research and International Relations has extensive experience with national and international funding bodies.

Bastian Vollmer

Professor, Co-director of the Institute of Applied Research and International Relations
Steering Committee member, WP4 Leader


Bastian Vollmer is a Professor of Social Sciences and Co-director of the Institute of Applied Research and International Relations at CUAS Mainz. He has previously held positions at the University of Oxford (2008-2016) and the University of Tübingen (2016-2017). He is author and co-editor of several books and special issues, and he has published in in journals such as Political Geography, Mobilities, Geopolitics, Migration Studies, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, The American Historical Review, and Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. His monographs have been published by Palgrave Macmillan and his forthcoming book Border Revisited: Discourses on the UK Border will be released in 2021. He is co-editor of Migration Studies at Oxford University Press and an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Beatrice Salamena

Post-doctoral researcher


Beatrice Salamena is a Social and Cultural Anthropologist. She conducted research in the area of medical anthropology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and on the interface of migration, care and conviviality at the University of Konstanz, where she is currently finalizing her PhD thesis. She has worked extensively with multimodal ethnography, creative and convivial research methods. She engages in the field of applied anthropology and in forms of knowledge production that attend to issues of societal change.

Markus Rheindorf

Senior Research Fellow, CUAS Mainz


In April 2021, Dr. Rheindorf was appointed Research Fellow at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Mainz (BRIDGES-Projekt). He is also Lecturer at the University of Vienna and the Central European University, specialising in critical discourse studies and academic writing. He studied Linguistics and English at the University of Vienna and the University of Amsterdam, and he holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics by the University of Vienna. His research interests include the mediatisation of political discourse, the interplay between politics and policy, political advertising and campaigning, and populist discourse. He has a continuing interest in methodological innovation within critical discourse studies, especially regarding triangulation and mixed methods. He has received fellowships from the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IFK) and the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) of Vienna. His latest book, Revisiting the toolbox of discourse studies: New Trajectories in Methodology, Open Data and Visualization, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2019.


The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is a think tank that was established in Brussels in 1983. It is situated at the nexus between academia, business, and the public sector. CEPS conducts policy research on European affairs and disseminates its findings through a regular flow of publications, public events, and commentaries. The organization aims to bring new knowledge to the attention of decision-makers and to offer fresh insights into important public policy issues of the day.

Sergio Carrera

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Justice and Home Affairs unit
Steering Committee member, WP7 Leader


Sergio Carrera is Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Justice and Home Affairs unit at CEPS. Sergio is also Visiting Fellow at the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) in the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence.


Davide Colombi



He is an expert in human rights and EU migration policies with more than 2 years of experience in non-governmental organisations and the United Nations system. Davide researched these fields with mostly qualitative methods and legal research.

Miriam Mir

Project Officer
I-CLAIM Communications Manager


Miriam Mir is Project Officer in the Justice and Home Affairs Unit. Since 2008 she had carried out the administration, coordination and dissemination activities of the different research projects of which the JHA section is part. She has experience in managing research projects, preparing project proposals, organising events and fund-raising. Miriam has been involved in the dissemination management of various projects funded by the EU such as SOURCE, EU-CITZEN, JUD-IT, RELIGARE, among others.


The University of Helsinki is Finland’s largest and oldest academic institution and an innovative centre of science and thinking. The Faculty of Social Sciences includes 12 disciplines and four other research units. Sociology is one of the largest disciplines in the Faculty of Social Sciences and migration is one of the central research themes in Sociology.

Lena Näre

Steering Committee member, WP3 Leader


Lena Näre is professor of Sociology at the University of Helsinki. Her research focuses on migration, precarious work, intersectionality, care and ageing. She is Associate Editor of Global Social Challenges Journal (Bristol University Press) and served as the Editor-in-Chief of Nordic Journal of Migration Research (Helsinki University Press) in 2012-2022.

Paula Merikoski

Post-doctoral researcher


Paula is a sociologist at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Her research interests include migration, intersectionality, home, citizenship and border studies, and gender studies. She focuses on ethnographically driven qualitative methods. In her doctoral dissertation (2023), she studied private hospitality for asylum seekers in Finland.


The Centre of Migration Research (CMR) was established in 1993 and is currently a leading interdisciplinary research unit at the University of Warsaw. It specialises in studying migration processes in Poland and Europe across faculties. The University of Warsaw is a leading research institution in Poland, listed among the top 4% of world-class universities and recognized by prestigious international rankings. It offers a wide range of studies in humanities, social, exact, and natural sciences, as well as individual interdisciplinary studies.

Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska

Steering Committee member


Associate Professor in Sociology. Mainly specialises in migrant adaptation and integration, ethnic attitudes and discourses on migration, community sponsorship and private support of refugees. Serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Central and Eastern European Migration Review. Her recent book “Rethinking settlement and integration: Migrants’ anchoring in an age of insecurity (Manchester University Press).

Andrei Yeliseyeu

PhD researcher


Andrei Yeliseyeu is a political scientist. He is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of the University of Warsaw where his research focuses on the study of Belarus’s migration diplomacy, and an affiliate of the Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw where he mostly analyses the migration industry in countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Kamil Matuszczyk

Assistant Professor


Kamil Matuszczyk holds a PhD in political and administration sciences (specialization in public policy). He is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at University of Warsaw and is also associated with the Centre of Migration Research also at University of Warsaw. His interests focus on issues of contemporary labour mobility (posting of workers, seasonal workers), the migration industry, migration policies, ageing society and long-term care.


The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) is the only pan-European anti-racism network that combines advocacy for racial equality and facilitates cooperation among civil society anti-racism actors in Europe. The organisation was established in 1998 by grassroots activists with a mission to achieve legal changes at the European level and make decisive progress towards racial equality in all EU member states. Since then, ENAR has grown and achieved a great deal.

Emmanuel Achiri

Policy and Advocacy Advisor
I-CLAIM Partner


Emmanuel Achiri is a Policy and Advocacy Advisor at ENAR where he focuses his advocacy efforts on deracializing and decolonizing migration attitudes in Europe. He defends his PhD in September 2023 where his dissertation focuses on critiquing voluntary repatriation as a concept and practice.


The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) represents 45 million members from 92 national trade union confederations in 39 countries, as well as 10 European trade union federations. Trade unions promote and respect workers’ rights, including those of third-country nationals with precarious legal status, and ensure services such as housing and training to enable their integration.

Mercedes Miletti

ETUC Advisor
I-CLAIM Partner


Mercedes Miletti is Policy Advisor on migration at the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). She graduated in Political Sciences and International Relations at the Universidad Católica Argentina in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and later obtained a Master in Cultures and Development Studies from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). Before joining ETUC, she worked at the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM). Since 2011, she has also been active in grassroots migrant organisations and communities.



ActionAid Italy is a part of ActionAid, an independent international organization that works in over 45 countries around the world to fight poverty, inequality, and injustice alongside local communities. As a global federation, ActionAid has affiliates in all of its member organisations. Its main focus areas are Women’s Rights, Migration, Education, and Youth. ActionAid utilizes a Human Rights-based approach, with accountability and participation as primary lenses.

Teresa Cecere

Project Manager
I-CLAIM Partner


Teresa Cecere works for ActionAid in the Global Inequality and Migration Unit. She is in charge of the implementation of funded projects on migration and integration. Her research focuses are the political participation mechanisms of third-country national communities and the labour conditions of migrant domestic workers in Italy.

Isabella Orfano

Women’s Rights Expert
I-CLAIM Partner


Isabella Orfano works as Women’s Rights Expert for ActionAid Italy. She has extensive experience in research, policy development, networking, lobbying&advocacy on women’s rights, anti-trafficking, migration, and LGBTQI+-related issues. Her work focuses on the protection of human rights of vulnerable groups and the improvement of institutional and non-governmental responses.

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The Association for Legal Intervention is a civil society organization based in Poland. Its statutory objective is to take steps aimed at ensuring that human rights are respected and that no individual is treated unequally, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, and migration status. The organization seeks to promote the equality of all people in the face of the law, thus promoting social cohesion. It primarily extends its support to refugees and migrants in Poland.

Maciej Rawski

Project Coordinator
I-CLAIM Partner


Analyst and manager with 10 years of experience in the field of economic analysis and project management. I specialize in cooperation with public sector entities, international entities and non-governmental organizations. My professional and scientific interests revolve around the role of the public sector in the economy, labor market, international migration and economic integration of foreigners.

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The Catholic Forum “Living in Illegality” is an alliance of Catholic organizations in Germany, including the Migration Commission of the German Bishops’ Conference, the German Caritas Association, the Jesuit Refugee Service, and the Order of Malta. Since its formation in 2004, the Forum has advocated for people with precarious legal status to be able to exercise their basic social rights. Every other year, the Forum organizes a national conference on undocumented migrants that is open to all relevant stakeholders and interested members of the public.

Martina Liebsch

Managing Director
I-CLAIM Partner


Social Worker by profession; over 30 years of experience in working with and for migrants at local, national and international level in Caritas; previous position: Director of policy and advocacy at Caritas Internationalis in Rome.


The Deaconess Foundation is a 155-year-old organization that provides effective social welfare and health services for people in need of special support in Finland. The Foundation places human dignity at the center of its actions and continually develops new ways to better serve those in the most vulnerable situations. In addition to providing those services, the Foundation owns the Diakonia College of Finland and the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences.

Anne Hammad

Director of Immigrant Services
I-CLAIM Partner


Working on projects: Undocumented community project (incl. day center services and detective work), Work life coaching program for victims of human trafficking, Support program for undocumented families (incl. special support for children’s activities)


FairWork is a non-governmental organisation with a mission to end labour exploitation in the Netherlands from the perspective of worker and victim rights. Its main activities include providing direct support to victims of labour exploitation and labor migrants at risk, as well as offering training and capacity building on how to detect signs of labour exploitation. To improve the position of potential victims, FairWork works to activate and influence the public, politics, and employers in a structured manner.

Anna Ensing

Project Coordination, Advocacy and Research
I-CLAIM Partner


Since 2018 Anna works at FairWork where she is a project leader on the topic of labour exploitation. Her expertise is built on supporting undocumented workers in the Netherlands and she advocates for recognizing labour rights for vulnerable migrant workers and victims of exploitation.


The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) is a leading charity for migrants’ rights based in the United Kingdom. For over 50 years, JCWI has fought for migrants’ justice in solidarity with migrant communities. This is achieved through a combination of policy research, parliamentary advocacy, campaigning and communications, legal casework, and strategic litigation.

Caitlin Boswell

Policy & Advocacy Manager
I-CLAIM Partner


Caitlin is Policy & Advocacy Manager at JCWI, where she leads the “Work It Out” campaign to advance migrant workers’ rights. Previously to JCWI, she was a Support Worker, providing community support and advice to women impacted by the UK’s criminal justice system and immigration restrictions.


Centrala is a non-profit organisation set up in 2009 in Birmingham (UK) to support integration of Central and Eastern European (CEE) migrant communities and promotion of Central and Eastern European art and culture.

Alicja Kaczmarek

I-CLAIM Partner


Alicja has a degree in Sociology and MA in Social Policy. Alicja’s role includes organisational development, fundraising, programming and advocacy and also sets the creative and strategic direction for Centrala. She speaks extensively on the experiences of Eastern European migrants in the UK at conferences, events and networks.

Advisory Board Members

The Scientific Advisory Board serves as a sounding board for the I-CLAIM project, providing advice on strategic directions and feedback through informal one-to-one consultations with its members on specific issues within their areas of expertise, as well as through formal meetings during various phases of project implementation. The Scientific Advisory Board includes coordinators of other EU-funded projects focused on the topic of irregular migration.

Synnøve Kristine Nepstad Bendixsen

Associate Professor of Social Anthropology
Bergen University, I-CLAIM Ethics Advisor

Martin Ruhs

Chair in Migration Studies and Deputy Director of the Migration Policy Centre
European University Institute, PI PRIME project (HE)

Lorenza Antonucci

Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology
University of Birmingham

Walter Nicholls

Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy
University of California 

Nina Sahraoui

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow
French National Centre for Scientific Research, PI CYBERGEN project (MSCA-IF)

Albert Kraler

Assistant Professor at the Center for Migration and Globalisation Research
PI MirreM project (HE)

Niels van Doorn

Associate Professor of Cultural Studies
University of Amsterdam, PI Platform Labor project (ERC)

Nira Yuval Davis

Professor Emeritus, Honorary Director of the Research Centre on Migration, Refugees and Belonging
University of East London

Tesseltje de Lange

Professor of Sociology of Law and Migration Law
Radboud University Nijmege 

Virginia Mantouvalou

Professor of Human Rights and Labour Law
University College London

Related projects

PRIME will study how variations in national institutions, and the interests with which they are associated, shape the rights and conditions of irregular migrants in law, policy and practice in eight European countries.

Martin Ruhs

Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute

DignityFIRM examines conditions of irregular migrants working in farm to fork (F2F) labour markets in four EU Member States (Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland) and two associated countries (Morocco and Ukraine) and how they can be improved. 

Tesseltje de Lange

PI DignityFIRM
Radboud University Nijmege

MIrreM examines the quantitative dimension of irregular migration and related policies. MIrreM assesses existing estimates and statistical indicators and explores new quantitative approaches. A special focus will be on regularisation policies and their impact. In close cooperation with relevant stakeholders MIrreM will develop recommendations on irregular migration data and regularisation, respectively.

Albert Kraler

University for Continuing Education Krems

GAPs will explore the disconnects between expectations of return policies and their actual outcomes by decentering the dominant, one-sided understanding of “return policy making” by examining return infrastructures, migration diplomacy and migration trajectories with a focus on 13 countries in Europe, Africa and the broader Middle East. 

Zeynep Mencütek

Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies

Soner Bartholoma

Uppsala University

MORE problematises the focus on effectiveness of return. It explores perceptions of return and readmission policies amongst stakeholders as well as their consequences, explores alternative solutions and examines why certain ‘solutions’ are preferred over others. 

Olga Jubany

University of Barcelona

FAiR addresses the legitimacy deficits that plague policies on return and alternatives to return. It complements dominant rational choice perspectives by assessing the importance of norms, frames and shared meanings for intergovernmental cooperation on return, focusing on 5 non-EU+ (Georgia, Iraq, Niger, Nigeria, Turkey) and 5 EU states+ (Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Switzerland). 

Arjen Leerkes

Erasmus University Rotterdam

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