Reflections on film screening 'Living Labour'

Ilse van Liempt & Carolien Lubberhuize | 4 June 2024

On the 13th of May 2024 the Focus Area on Migration and Societal Change organized a film screening called ‘Living Labour’ in the Louis Hartlooper Complex in Utrecht. This documentary is made by Renzo Sgolacchia (2023) and provides a glimpse into the daily lives of Polish, Spanish, Roma and other labour migrants in the Netherlands. The room was full with a mixed audience ranging from students, migration scholars, professionals from the field to interested inhabitants from Utrecht. The film screening coincided with project meetings of two large European research projects on labour migration: VISION and I-CLAIM. After the screening a panel discussion was organized with the filmmaker as well as two migration researchers and a practitioner working on labour exploitation in the Netherlands.

Picture of the Session at the Louis Hartlooper Complex

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