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In this episode of Mobility, Work, and Rights, Nando Sigona speaks with Letizia Palumbo, researcher at the Univiersity of Venice Ca' Foscari and author of Taking Vulnerabilities to Labour Exploitation Seriously. Don't miss this important discussion!
Lena Nare and Letizia Palumbo will be presenting their research at the 'The Scholars of Excellence Workshop' series organized by the Toronto Metropolitan University.
Check the key findings from the analysis of public discourses on irregular migrants and migration across media, politics, and civil society in Italy between 2019 and 2023!
This report reveals that dominant narratives around irregular migration were predominantly linked to attempts to enter Poland without sufficient documentation or bypassing legal channels rather than stay (overstay) or work-related aspects.
New report that investigates the narrative construction of migrant irregularity in the United Kingdom across three primary domains: media, politics, and civil society.
New Country Report Out Now!
This report offers a data-driven analysis of how migration is framed in media, politics, and civil society. Discover key insights into public discourse and its impact.
Check the new Country Report. This I-CLAIM report analyses how irregularised migration is framed at the EU level across the European Commission, the European Parliament, and EU civil society.
Prof. Nando Sigona comments on Donald Trump's mass deportation plans and examines who mass deportations actually benefit.
Check the new Country report. This report presents the key findings of a corpus-based study on narratives of irregular migration in the domains of media, politics, and civil society in Finland.
I-Claim will be present at the 2025 IMISCOE Spring Conference (Krems). Check our participation and register to the event.
Australian refugee policy violates international law, but remains an inspiration for other countries
Ilse van Liempt was interviewed for the NRC newspaper to talk about Australian refugee policy and why European countries like to copy it.
New I-Claim Country Report to present the findings of a corpus-based analysis of the discourses surrounding irregular migration in the Netherlands, with a focus on the terminology and narratives used in media, politics, and civil society.
In the fourth episode of Mobility, Work, and Rights, hosts Nando Sigona and Ilse van Liempt explore the relation between migration status and working conditions and what it means to work the nightshift.
I-Claim is now on Bluesky
We’re excited to announce that I-Claim has joined Bluesky! Follow us for the latest insights, publications, and updates at
This book investigates how migration policies have been problematised at the EU institutional level, in particular by the European Commission. It critically assesses the assumptions lying behind the Commission’s political priorities, agendas and policy outputs.
For this interview special, Nando Sigona speaks with Davide Colombi, co-author with Sergio Carrera of Irregularising Human Mobility (Springer 2024). They explore what lies ahead for the politics of migration in the coming months with the new European Commission's term.
Kamil Matuszczyk and Ksenia Homel introduced and presented the preliminary results of the research carried out among irregular workers in platform work at the expert seminar organized by the Social Insurance Institution (Warsaw).
New Episode of the I-Claim podcast on Policy and politics of irregularity in Europe and US - in conversation with Sabrina Marchetti (University of Venice) and Lena Nare (University of Helsinki)
Read this interview by The Guardian to Nando Sigona on how Trump's mass deportation plan could harm millions of U.S. children, causing family separations, trauma, poverty, and community destabilization.
4 December 2024
Join on 4 December our Webinar on 'Discourses, narratives and counter narratives on irregular migration'. This webinar is part of the joint events within the MIrreM project.
Nando Sigona explores in this article the potential impacts of a Trump 2024 presidency on migrant families in the U.S., including shifts in deportation and family separation policies.
New I-CLAIM Policy Brief! It calls for policy reforms to address irregular migration in Europe by promoting regularization paths, coordinated policy responses, and protections for migrant workers’ rights.
On Monday 28th of October 2024 the I-CLAIM podcast called Mobility, Work, and Rights goes live! The I-CLAIM Podcast explores the realities of irregular migration in Europe, challenging widespread misconceptions around mobility, work and migrant worker’s rights.
I-Claim research featured by Ilse van Liempt in the Opinion titled "Op straat wordt een klein wondje groot" (On the street, a small wound becomes big) published at De Groene Amsterdammer.
Nando Sigona spoke to the Inside Story Podcast of Aljazeera on irregular crossings, safe routes to asylum and Sir Keir Starmer's 'strange infatuation' for Italian PM Giorgia Meloni.
Ilse van Liempt and Minke Hajer contributed, together with other researchers, to the Opinion article at the De Volkskrant following the announcement of the cancellation of LVV.
This call for papers focuses explicitly on food delivery work provided by irregular migrants. Deadline to submit Abstracts 18 September 2024.
This Policy Brief shows that a home affairs and criminalisation approach prioritising law enforcement and policing has dominated the von der Leyen Commission on questions related to migration policy.
Check the Comparative report. It brings together findings from the six country reports, and a report examining EU policies.
3 July 2024
In the context of the MIrreM project, I-Claim is participating in the Workshop 'The ethics of researching irregular migration'.
2 July 2024
I-Claim is organizing a panel at the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference in Lisbon on 2nd July 2024.
19 June 2024
Our Fairwork colleagues presented a paper at the conference "Making Rights Reality: The Human Rights of Undocumented Migrant Workers".
June 2024
On the 13th of May 2024 the Focus Area on Migration and Societal Change organized a film screening called ‘Living Labour’. Ilse van Liempt is presenting us here her reflections.
29 May 2024
Prof. Nando Sigona gave a talk at UC Berkeley about the irregularisation of migration and migrants in Europe.
7 May 2024
This webinar gives the opportunity to our researches to present the report 'The Legal and Policy Infrastructure of Irregularity in Italy'.
Nando Sigona interviewed by AFP/France24 on intra-European co-operation on irregular migration and its impact on irregularised migrants.
April 2024
The Dutch I-CLAIM report on policy and legal infrastructures of irregularity reveals an alarming trend towards exclusion of irregular migrants in the Netherlands.
Check the new country reports looking at the legal and policy infrastructures of irregular migration in Poland and Italy.
Ilse van Liempt (University of Utrecht) was interviewed by the Het Financieele Dagblad on the new deal with Egypt.
Everyone has the right to enjoy the nightlife. The Beats Beyond Borders: Uniting in Solidarity event was organized as part of the week against racism, the night before a large demonstration against racism and discrimination starting at Dam Square.
Nando Sigona / March 2024Is the UK immigration system really 'fairer' as the government claims? Fairer for whom? In the latest episode of the Conversations with Iris podcast, Nando Sigona discusses these questions with Luke Piper, Head of Immigration at the Work...
14.03.2024 – 15.03.2024
Bastian Vollmer, I-Claim member, participated at the „Illegality“ Conference 2024 at the Catholic Academy in Berlin
Wednesday, 6 March 2024
This roundtable aims to facilitate an inclusive and open discussion among stakeholders engaged on relevant migration and F2F policies.
It will focus on the CAP social conditionality mechanism and the new corporate due diligence framework.
13 March 2024
Drawing from the findings of the six I-Claim country reports on the topic of “Politics of irregularity”, in the Netherlands, UK, Germany, Poland, Finland and Italy, this webinar will offer an overview of the ways in which irregularity is generated and shaped in prac...
12 March 2024
The webinar will offer an introduction to the Horizon Europe I-CLAIM study that investigates the living and working conditions of irregular migrants in six European countries.
5 February 2024
In this webinar, representatives from Horizon Europe projects working on these topics would like to critically elaborate on various models of return and readmission arrangements.
6 December 2023
In this meeting, a group of key stakeholder organisations and institutions engaged with the preliminary research results produced by the I-CLAIM team at Ca’ Foscari University concerning the national policies on migration, labour and welfare that have an impact on the...
5 December 2023
This meeting took the form of an expert discussion moderated by prof. Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska (Faculty of Sociology, Migration Research Center, University of Warsaw). It was attended by representatives of institutions - ministries, think-tanks and non-government...
29 November 2023
On 29th November, the I-Claim Finnish team held a Stakeholders Meeting in Helsinki. The two themes discussed were family and work through the perspective of different services that are available for people in irregular situation in Finland.
1 December 2023
On December 1, from 13.00 to 14.15 CET, the Centre for Migration Law and a group of Horizon Europe projects focusing on irregular migration in Europe (including I-Claim) will present the second online joint webinar.
28 November 2023
I-Claim is starting its series of Stakeholder Meetings. The first meeting took place in The Netherlands where key stakeholders in the field of irregular migration reacted to the draft version of the first I-CLAIM report: ‘The Legal and Policy Infrastructure of Irregul...
The government's controversial plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda for processing has hit a roadblock as the court deems it unlawful. But hold on, the saga isn't over!
This post explores the role of community researchers, highlighting the epistemic advantages they bring and the unintended consequences of their involvement. It suggests ways to address power dynamics and promote more equitable and ethical research practices.
This post problematises the positions from which research on irregular migrants is produced and the “access problem” is constructed. While emphasising the benefit of sharing experiences and identities between researchers and researched, the post highlights the impor...
Migrants are still risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean; we must challenge the rhetoric of ‘invasion’ and examine the deeper reasons for migration, writes Nando Sigona
Interview to Nando Sigona on BBC News. How to address irregular sea crossings and the secondary mobility of migrants are igniting tensions at the border between Italy and France, and with other EU member states.
Recently, the Dutch newspaper AD featured Zaenal's story as a victim of modern slavery as part of a podcast produced by Fairwork, our engagement partner from The Netherlands.
18 October, 1-2pm CET. Webinar
Irregular migration is an important feature of the political economy of migration and associated patterns of legal, social and economic inequality in Europe and elsewhere.
In an opinion column for Spanish daily El Pais, Nando Sigona examines the link between border externalisation and the normalisation of state violence across Europe.
Our I-CLAIM migration expert Ilse van Liempt commented on the news on the EU Tunis deal. Check all the related articles.
Experts doubt whether Sunday’s migration agreement with Tunisia will help reduce the number of people trying to reach the European Union, the Financieele Dagblad reported on Thursday.
May 2023
In a world where people have always migrated seeking safety and opportunity, it is disheartening to witness the UK's current treatment of those who make it their home.
May 2023
The Berlin Smuggler's Gala, which challenges the political narrative and public discourse surrounding the topic of "smuggling," will be held on June 25th.
May 2023
Celebrate International Domestic Workers Day on June 16th! Join thousands of domestic workers worldwide as they raise their voices in solidarity and commemorate a significant milestone in their lives.
Launching the handbook on irregular migration at the Migration and Societal Change Conference in Utrecht.
Feature interview in Al Jazeera for comms track record and social media
We are excited to invite you to submit individual paper proposals to the kick-off symposium of the project Tackling Precarious and Informal Work in the Nordic Countries (Future Challenges in the Nordics programme)
May 2023
In March 2023 a research handbook on irregular migration was released with Edward Elgar edited by Ilse van Liempt, Joris Schapendonk and Amalia Campos-Delgado.
At the 20th IMISCOE Annual conference in Warsaw this year I-CLAIM will host two panels on the production of irregular living and working conditions for migrants and racialized communities in Europe.
New podcast series on migration and citizenship out now